YOGA CARDS – standard playing cards (size 90×62 mm), 16.13€ (+vat 24% in EU)


S1 yoga 5These are basically a set of normal playing cards, also boasting including 4 yoga series: a standing series (spades), forward bends (hearts), backward bends (clubs) and a restorative exercise (diamonds). Every card includes the name of the asana in the Sanskrit language. These are basically a set of normal playing cards, also boasting including 4 yoga series: a standing series (spades), forward bends (hearts), backward bends (clubs) and a restorative exercise (diamonds). Every card includes the name of the asana in the Sanskrit language. These are basically a set of normal playing cards, also boasting including 4 yoga series: a standing series (spades), forward bends (hearts), backward bends (clubs) and a restorative exercise (diamonds). Every card includes the name of the asana in the Sanskrit language. Price: 16.13 € (+vat 24% in EU).



Additional information

Weight 0.09 kg